Happy Muddah's Day!

Another Mother's Day on the books.  I had a good day.  We had a passel of young'ns dedicated in morning worship.  Pastor was asking the dedicating families a series of questions about understanding/accepting the responsibility/blessing of raising these children.  One of the big sisters was an eager and vocal with her responses...."YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!"  Until it came to the question of protecting the baby with her very life...or something like that.  Crickets...she was silent!
Over the years, I have come to realize that Mother's Day is difficult for some.  I thought of my friend, whose daughter died last week.  I know that this first Mother's Day without her must have been difficult.  I have other friends who marked the day as being the first Mother's Day without their moms.  I have friends who have never experienced motherhood because of infertility or because they are single.  I have friends who have lost their babies...miscarriage, premature birth.  I have other friends who do not have relationships with their mothers.  I have many friends whose mothers have been gone from this good Earth for many years, but it doesn't reduce the longing for their physical presence.
It makes me very thankful for my children and for my mother.  For my step-mother.  For my mother-in-love.  It makes me very thankful for ALL the women, through all the years of my life, who have had profound mothering influences.  Teachers...church ladies....the moms of my childhood friends...the friends who've walked through motherhood with me....the moms ahead of me...the moms behind me....the mothers of my grandchildren!  Oh, yes....I am most thankful for them.  I have already begun telling Y1 just what kind of ruining influence I plan on being as a grandmother.  If he and Y2 think I'm crazy as a mama, they better hold on to their hats! 
A friend of mine wrote THE SWEETEST letter to her mama, who has been in Heaven for a few years.  Oh, it made me sob and sob!  It got me thinking...and this is what happens when I think!
Hello Muddah!  It's your dawdah...
this tale I tell 'cause you oughta
know how special you are to me!
Without you in my life please tell me where would I be?
On your own, a single Muddah,
you worked three jobs for bread and buddah!
We paid Paul when we robbed Peedah.
That nasty grape Kool-Aid we drank it by the leedah...YUCK!
Pinchin' pennies left Abe reelin'!
At your bedside, you were kneeling!
Asking God to keep providin';
to hold us close, His hand upon us ever guiding!
Right from wrong, we knew the diff'rence!
I do offer this one for instance...
I broke curfew with Hoots my best friend
and with your flip-flop, you tore up my rear end!
There were good times, too, my dearest Muddah!
I remember, how 'bout you,
dancin' all night long to those old Motown tunes!
What a happy bunch of loons!
We made homemade fries and brown gravy!
Our hair home permed and kinda wavy!
Us three girls against the world, with hair that was so tightly curled!
Sweetest Muddah, can you hear me?
I hope my heart is speaking clearly.
You're amazin' and a blessin'!
With my sanity these rhymes are truly messin'!
How to end this?  How to finish?
This real song...did I diminish?
Oh pardon me, Allan Sherman!
My parody would prob'ly having you squrimin'!
