The "Ers" and A Couple of "Ors"

I am…
A Jesus lover
A grace receiver
A Bible reader
A prayer sayer
The oldest daughter
The big sister
Mr. Snark’s lifelong partner
A two-time mother
A church choir singer
A wedding reception dancer
A consummate giggler
A secret worrier
A bargain hunter
A baby kisser
A neck hugger
A friend collector
A people watcher
A bubble blower
A fairy tale believer
A random fact recaller
A Hand & Foot player
A Big Orange wearer
A Deaf Ed teacher
A coffee drinker
A salad eater
A recipe improvisor
A chore procrastinator
A N*tflix binger
The grocery buyer
The meal maker
The laundry do-er
The house cleaner
A lipstick wearer
A bubble bather
A not so deep thinker
A “Suzanne Sugarbaker” corner of the couch sitter
A group texter
A well wisher
A picture painter
A meeting doodler
A clock watcher
A life advocator
A parenting mentor
A client data miner
A phone call answerer
A day dreamer            
A wedding planner
The joke teller
The time keeper
A T*yota driver
The bill payer
The caregiver
The note taker
The question(s) asker
A hospital hall walker
A pill pusher
The temperature taker
The vitals recorder
A gnat killer
The bag toter
A story writer
The Yankeebelle Blogger                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
