The Tale of CeeDee...and Her Pink Hair

Once upon a time, in a teeny-tiny town in the foothills of the north Georgia mountains, lived a wonderful, beautiful, kind-hearted, rambunctious, mischievous woman named CeeDee.  CeeDee was The Keeper of The Books for the children who attended the elementary school in that teeny-tiny town in the foothills of north Georgia.  CeeDee loved her school children and she loved her books.  And the children, they adored CeeDee...with very good reason.  No book in her keeping went unnoticed...just like no child went without notice.  She knew the perfect book for the exact reader.  Oh, the merriment and near magic that she created with her books!  The children never knew what to expect, but they always expected nothing short of amazing!  And CeeDee?  Well, she was never one to make pie crust promises...easily made, easily broken...she always delivered. 

Every year, CeeDee issued a reading challenge to her school children.  She would ask them to read a certain number of books and if they met the challenge, she would offer a reward of spectacular magnitude.  She was so creative and imaginative...the children were always willing to work very hard to earn their special reward.  For the children, it was all about earning the prize.  For CeeDee and her fellow Keepers of The Books...and the Knowledge was about getting the children to read.  What they understood was that the earlier a child is exposed to literacy, the better.  When a solid foundation for literacy is established in the formative years of childhood, the potential for success is almost limitless.  Did you know, kind sir, that good reading skills are a weapon against poverty?  Did you know, fair maiden, that good reading skills decreases the likelihood of criminal behavior and incarceration?  For the children in CeeDee's teeny-tiny town, this was very important as about fifty percent of them live at or below the poverty rate.  CeeDee knew it was impossible to save them all, but if she could change the life of just one, it was worth every bit of hard work.  All of this to bring us to the particular spring that CeeDee promised to paint her hair pink when the children met her goal.

The children were delighted!!!  Her hair was pinker than cotton candy and it was just wonderful!  CeeDee was so proud of her children.  Many of them read more during the challenge time than they did at any other time of the year.  Imagine her surprise and disappointment when The Critics and NaySayers came crawling out of the woodwork...and other low places.  They heaped hot coals of rebuke and reproof upon her lovely pink head!  Some even implied that if certain Educational Overseers found out what she did, her job would be in jeopardy!  The nerve...the gall!  So quick to condemn.  So slow to think!  Of course, CeeDee had the approval and support of her school's Chancellor.  It was all so disheartening,  All that rude behavior over temporary hair color...which washed right out of CeeDee's lovely hair when she got home.  Well, not ALL of it.  Her hair has the freakish knack of holding on to hair color that is supposed to be temporary.  Which is why she'll never use black hair paint...EVER again.

With a bit of time and distance, CeeDee realized that those who railed the loudest were the most unhappy of individuals.  They lost their love of imparting knowledge...maybe they never had it.  Her dearest good friend and sister from another mister...Protector of The Sass...advised CeeDee to save The Critics and NaySayers a little time....and go to the Educational Overseers, in person.  No need for the middle man.  CeeDee's response was a little more practical.  "In six years, I can turn my Book Kingdom over to the next Keeper and find a new adventure."

Criticize and nay say that!

Know this for sure, good readers, CeeDee lived happily every after....with the faintest hit of pinker than cotton candy streaks running through her hair.
