They Live!

Schadenfreude...that's the German word...say "shah-den-froy-duh."  Literally translated, it means "harm-joy."  Merriam and Webster define it as "a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the suffering of others."  Pretty fancy name for something so despicable, ain't it?  I don't think this is describing those of us who LOVE to see the powerhouse defeated by the goes much deeper...much darker. While they enjoy being witness to the suffering of others, to have a hand in causing the suffering, well, that's just icing on the cake.  

I think they are zombies.  Perhaps not in the classical sense of the word, but I have no better description for them.  You know them; you can probably call some of them by name!  Heartless...seemingly soul-less...without conscience.  They are devoid of basic compassion.  They are completely putrefied by their own misery and bitterness.  Sadness and discontent follow Pigpen's cloud.  They prey on the broken and downtrodden without remorse or the slightest of second thoughts. 

When I say the broken and downtrodden, I'm talking about the people Granny would say were so poor that they barely had a pot to tee-tee in, let alone a window to throw it out.  The folks in life who just need a hand up and in return, they get a kick to the head.  Promises made are as fleeting as the breath it took to speak them.  They are users and takers of the worst variety...they use and take from those who have barely enough hope for tomorrow.

My head understands the why.  We live in a  It's malignant, people...terminal!  Human nature is fallen.  Blah-blah-blah...I get head does, anyway.  I don't know that my heart ever will and I don't know if that is entirely bad.  If my heart truly understood such a twisted level of unkindness, it seems like I could find a way to excuse it...rationalize it...justify it.  There is no excuse.  There is no rational.  There is no justification.

If it were up to me....and precious little TRULY is....I'd find a way to exterminate these pitiful facsimiles of human beings.  ZAP!  WHIFF! SHOOOOP!  G.O.N.E!  But it's not and that's a very good thing because there is only one Righteous Judge and He is not me!  I believe with all my heart that God sees the injustices and He comforts the persecuted (It's in THE Book...look it up!).  He counts every tear and bottles them for safe keeping.  He will pass judgment upon these zombies and it will be perfect.  In the meantime, Mr. Snark said it gives "good eggs, like you, my Dolly" to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

I still think I'd like to have a zombie annihilating vapor gun!  BBBRRRRZZZTTTT!
