
In this life, it is most essential to be very aware of word and in deed.  We need to be deliberate about what we say and what we do.  "But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting of it in the day of judgement."  Matthew 12:36  It's not just my opinion, it's Biblical truth, straight from the lips of Jesus.  Word have great power.  They can be used to build up and they can be used to tear down.  The tongue is a powerful thing...the Book of James refers to it as a "flame, set on fire from Hell."  DUDE!  Kind of harsh to think about your mouth as a flame thrower, isn't it?  At the same time, our words are also worthless.  People pay less attention to what we say and hone in one what we do.  AND, if they are like me, they wonder why Sister So and So did what she did when she did it.  What was the motive?  Galatians 6:7, via The Amplified Bible, says this:  "...for whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap."  Wisely spend your time blessing folks with your words and your deeds and that will all come back to multiplied fashion.  Waste your time tearing folks up and being a burden or of no value to those around you...yeah, watch what sprouts.  I promise you this, it won't be good.  

Had the PURE joy of witnessing a harvest of kindness was random, in my mind, but the economy of God is anything but random.  I was sitting at lunch (Yes...again...out to lunch...literally....I like to eat out at lunch...people watching is much better where there are people to watch!) It was about 1-1:30pm.  After the usual lunch rush, the restaurant was only occupied by a few customers.  A young couple and their car-seated infant daughter were also there.  Soon after I was seated, two EMT's walked in and were seated.  They inquired about the restaurant owner's wife, who had evidently required their services in the not so distant past.  It was obvious that the waitress was very touched by their concern and spoke with them about the owner's wife.  About this time, the young parents paid their ticket and left.  And then I heard the bell on the door chime;  it was the young father who had just left.

The waitress met him and I think she was just as puzzled as I was.  She took a credit card from him, ran another ticket and he signed off on it.  She handed back his card and he left.  With the restaurant being nearly vacant it was very easy to hear her tell the EMT's that their lunch had been paid for by that same young man.  They had taken his wife to the hospital when she had a blood clot and he wanted them to know how much he appreciated all that they did for his wife.  They were both quiet for a minute and then they begin to laugh.  They both agreed that they thought the couple looked familiar, but they see so many people...and it is a small town...maybe they were familiar for another reason besides being passengers on the ambulance.  They seemed to be very humbled by the young man's actions and enjoyed the rest of their to them.

Sometimes, what we do and what we say is all part of how we pay the bills.  It's just a function of the job.  It's not always easy to be kind and thoughtful when you're dealing with other human beings who have no intention of returning your kindness or your thoughtfulness.  Trust me...I get it.  I've worked in retail, in customer service and in public education.  People, in general, can be LARGE pains in the boo-tay.  OY!  Doesn't matter....their reaction is theirs.  You aren't responsible for it.  You're only responsible for you and that's gracious plenty.  There's an old adage that says "paybacks are h-e-double- hockey-sticks" and that's true...if you go around sowing hell, you're going to get a hellacious return.  Act like you know you should and you get a little bit of heaven....disguised as a free lunch.
