Hairy Situation

I've been in the process of growing my hair out for nearly four years.  Kid you not.  Nearly four years.  You have to understand, when I started the process, my hair was VERY short...short and spiky and sassy and kicky and snappy and cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!  I LOVED it.  The hardest thing about that particular hairstyle was having to see my stylist VERY regularly to keep it neat and tidy.  That was it.  Wake up, wash it...slap some gel through it, dry it, slap some hair putty through it and GO!  I LOVED IT!  Mr. Snark, however, was NOT a fan.  He's never weighed in on the various hairdo's I've sported over the years, but he spoke his peace about Sassy McSpikey and asked if I'd grow it out.  So, after we moved to Bamaham, I started to let it grow.

Not as easy as it sounds...not that growing the hair actually takes any effort on my part.  There were various stages of ugly that had to be endured.  Until I found Mrs. Judy and decided she was IT, I endured the hack jobs of three other scissor wielders.  Each one of them somehow misunderstood the phrase, "I'm trying to let it grow out" for "Please, cut a mullet!"  Again, I kid you not.  Three different snippers...three different versions of the mullet.  Let it be known that back in the day, I did have a mullet....but so did just about everyone else...boy AND girl.  Not the look that I was going for...AT ALL.  I was so paranoid about it, that I'm pretty sure one of the first questions I asked Mrs. Judy during the consultation part of our appointment was, "When I say 'I'm letting it grow out' do you take that to mean that I want you to cut a mullet?"  She quickly laid my fears to rest and I've not sat in another sytlist's chair since then.

What is it about us girls and our hair?  Curly haired girls are often slaves to their flat irons.  Straight haired girls have curling irons to make ringlets.  Brunettes want to be blonde and blondes want to be gingers.   Mrs. Judy said that she thinks the male fetish for long, luscious locks goes back to Adam and Eve...before the whole forbidden fruit fiasco.  Eve's hair was probably something to behold. Everything was perfect in Eden.  No bad hair days for frizz, no split ends, highlights that would make modern day beauticians weep and it probably had THE perfect amount of curl.  Adam probably fell asleep each night, with his face blissfully buried in his wife's luxurious mane.  Sigh.  Stupid serpent...UGH!

At some point in all of this, my goal became "The Rachel."  Remember that?  Long layers...pull it up, wear it down....easy to maintain and still, even 20 years later, stylish.  We got away from cutting layers along the top because as it grew, it would do this completely unattractive mushroom thing.  No mullets!  No 'shrooms (unless they are in the marinara, on the pizza or served with caramelized onions and a steak)!  As cute as it is, "The Rachel" requires a whole lot more work and patience than what I have at this point.  I've not given up on growing it out, but I needed a change.  Saw Mrs. Judy, today, and she said she was on board for long as we didn't go back to the short and spikey.

When she handed me some books to look at, the magazine on top was the latest edition of Gl*mour.  Gracing the cover is the ADORABLE Anne Hathaway....with THE most precious short haircut.  She cut her beautiful long hair for her role in "Les Miserables."  I hear it's fantastic, BTW.  Haven't seen it, yet, but it's on my list.  I cooed over the picture and Mrs. Judy said, "Don't even ask...I'm not going to do it."  Wow!  Whatever happened to "the customer's always right?"  I kid....she was dead on...I would have regretted it.  Not so much for all the time lost in growing it out, but the fact that it would make Mr. Snark unhappy.  For all my barking and chest thumping, I do like it when he's happy. 

We settled on cutting it up to the longest layers, which are just at my jaw line.  It will work nicely for the continuation of Project Grow Out.  Y2 took one look at it today, when I picked him up from football practice (BTW...he's changed his mind about that...again...for now, anyway!) and said, "Hmmm....I liked it longer."

Of course he did!


  1. So you describe the cut, but don't show a photo? Time to post one! I'm actually thrilled to be getting a little, LITTLE bit of wave in my forever seriously straight and super fine hair. I'm almost giddy as I've wanted a little natural wave forever...though never so much to want to go back to those 90s spiral perms!


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