Proposal Overload

Bob likes Mary and wants to take her to the upcoming dance.  Mary likes Bob and hopes that he will ask her to the upcoming dance.  Bob works up the courage to ask Mary...face to face, thoughtfully, politely and with high hopes that she will accept his offer.  Which she does...graciously, sincerely and sweetly.  What she doesn't do is qualify her acceptance with this little nugget:  "I'll think about going with you...but could you ask me in a creative way?"  Excuse me, honey....this young man just worked up the courage to look you in the eye and ask you to the dance...and you dishonor his bravery by giving him an ultimatum?  And's bravery!  In these modern times of TMI on every social media outlet, a request of this kind is easy pickings for very public and widely broadcasted ridicule. 

Scavenger hunts, billboards, painting on overpasses, flocking the front yard with plastic pink flamingos, banners at football games...this is how it's done these days.  The more outlandish, the better.  Gone, it would seem, are the days of genuine, nerve filled, FACE TO FACE inquiries.  Forgive me, but all of it smacks of egos gone wild.  The attention shifts from the one doing the asking to the one being asked and that seems pretty selfish to me.  Seriously, when it comes time for THE proposal, some of these guys are in serious trouble!  Suppose Tom has decided that Jane is THE girl for him...the thought of not sharing the rest of his earthly days with her makes no sense to him.  But he has no clue how to ask can he compete with the proposal she received to go to her 9th grade homecoming...a wicker basket on the front porch that cradled THE cutest puppy every beheld by human eyes, with a note tied to it's precious, little neck?  Then there's the proposal she got in 10th grade to go to the Senior prom....random kids handing her long stemmed, red roses as she made her way to 2nd period and when she got there, the room was full of balloons that spelled "PROM?".  Oh, and then there's HER Senior prom....from the view in the hot air balloon, she looked down to see the request mowed into one of the local farmer's corn fields!!!!  Seriously????  What's a boy to do?

Maybe it's just me...maybe it's because I'm old and crabby and don't have a romantic/creative bone in my body.  That last line is strictly for literary purposes...I'm NOT old...just slightly crabby (only every other day that ends in "y") and creative?  Puh-leeeeze!  I've made cakes for school auctions that make the moms who buy store bought cakes shoot REALLY dirty looks at me.  I'm all about the creative and I love me some good romance.  My definition is probably vastly different from that of a 15 year old girl, but don't count me out, just yet!  It just seems that folks have made this way more complicated than is necessary.  Life is hard enough and full of plenty of REALLY complicated moments.  Why make more complications where they aren't needed??

To the Toms and Bobs out there...bless y'alls hearts...for all the good it will do ya!


  1. So so true. It's totally overdone. I'll stay off my soapbox for now :)

  2. Really? I guess I've been oblivious to this new way of asking someone to a dance. That's just weird...


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