Movies/Music Monday...One Moment In Time

I was, like so many, completely blown away when I read the news of Ms. Whitney Houston's death on Saturday evening.  Her music was such a part of my growing up years...I'd go so far as to say that several of her songs would probably make it to the sound track of my life.  A beautiful songbird; in her prime, nearly unrivaled.  A voice so beautiful, so rich, so passionate, so gifted...silenced to the likes of this earthly realm.  An odd sadness came over me.  While I appreciated her music and admired her talent, I don't know that I could call myself a "fan."  I never saw her in concert...never bought any of her music, but would crank up the radio and do my best to sing along.  To break it down, that would be like trying to use a paint-by-numbers to copy the "Mona Lisa!"

I have to admit when she married Mr. Brown, I was one of many who declared the union to be a mistake.  They were SO different...I mean different beyond the scope of "opposites attract."  Like different on a planetary level!  She seemed so polished, so refined, so genteel.  He emitted a persona of pure street...shady, dangerous, unpredictable.  That persona reinforced by his well publicized legal infractions.  Maybe that's what pulled her to him.  Maybe she craved some of that danger he seemed to have...maybe she needed a little cayenne to what was a very vanilla-type life.  Maybe she thought she could change him.  Maybe she could see past all the bravado and smack to what was a very insecure soul who needed so very much attention and approval.  A need so great that any attention, good or bad, would do. 

As seems to be the case, the one setting out to be the savior, the one who sets out to do the changing ends up being the one who needs to be saved.  Mr. Brown's lifestyle and habits seemed to carry more weight...more power and from the outside looking in, it was more than Whitney could handle.  Once a media darling, she became fodder for comic monologues and gossip columns.  She and Mr. Brown even had their own "reality TV" show.  I caught a clip or two of that program....and that was MORE than plenty.  I have no idea how her mama felt...but I know if that had been either of The Snark Boyos on international TV cuttin' that kind of fool, I'd have made the headlines for whooping my grown child!

I pray for her mama...I pray for her daughter...for the family...for her friends....her REAL friends.  The ones who knew her before she got the big britches...who loved her through the craziness of her life with Mr. Brown...the ones who were there when all the other "friends" turned away.  I even pray for Mr. Brown. 

Here are a few of my Whitney faves....
