Tips on Tuesday...Silence

Mark Twain has long been credited with the following statement...
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Believe it or not, this thought has scriptural roots...
"Even dunces who keep quiet are thought to be wise; as long as they keep their mouths shut, they are smart."  Proverbs 17:28 The Message
Talking, speaking...never been an issue for me.  I would talk to the wall, sometimes, just to hear the sound of my own voice.  Case in I am...blogging...which is just another form of writing, which is another form of talking...written speech.  I am talking to an audience that is largely unseen and it doesn't bother me a lick!  Not talking, not speaking, knowing when to be quiet, holding back...that a different story, all together!  It's never been easy for me. 

I've ALWAYS been a jabber jaws.  I am learning and I am diligently trying to be content with my own silence. Sometimes if feels as awkward as wearing someone elses house slippers...molded and shaped to someone elses feet!  There are times when I know the last thing that needs to happen is for me to open my mouth and share my opinion.  In case you haven't guessed, I am one of those annoying people who has an opinion about EVERYTHING and is not shy about sharing it.  In those moments, when I am fully aware of the need for silence, the war within me to start yakking is so fierce, that I will audibly whisper, "LORD Jesus, strike me momentarily mute!"  No joke!  I have done this in conversation and it startles people!  Seriously, folks! 

We live in an age of social media glut.  (Hi, my name is Michelle.  I'm F*cebook addict! You have your vice...I have mine.)  We can post, update, comment, respond, like, unlike, bump and bury.  I'm not sure what it is but for some people, access to social media seems to cause the same effects that an old fashioned dose of Castor oil might have...only in verbal form.  Is that crude?  I apologize but it is true.  Some people have NO filters, whatsoever, and when they can tell!  You've read these posts...the ones that make you talk to your computer screen..."ARE YOU KIDDING?  NO WAY!!  T.M.I.!!!!"  When lack of filter meets the Etch-A-S*etch that's in my head...IT'S NOT PRETTY!  There are some things that I don't want to know, need to know, care to know and I'm happy in my ignorance!

Maybe, though, it's not ignorance...maybe it's more like what King Solomon wrote...what Mark Twain said.  My ignorance of the private affairs of others is's's smart!  My ignorance, induced by their silence is a VERY GOOD THING!

And now...I'll be quiet!
