Farewell 2011

Here we are...at the end of another year.  Is it just me or does time seem to be blowing by like a bullet train?  I'm afraid to blink...seriously! 

2011 was a good year.  More highs than lows and for that, I am SOOOOOOOOOO thankful!  We made through our first official year as the parents of a teenager...and we all survived!  The journey is far from over because just about the time we get a handle on parenting one teen, we'll have two teens!  The boyos are growing and changing and some days...most days...I feel so ill equipped to be their mother, but I know that God wouldn't have blessed me with these children if He thought I wouldn't do my very best to raise them well.  Every day is not a success and that's okay.

I continued my work with our local Baptist association's ministry center.  I cannot explain to you the feeling that comes from being a part of something that is bigger than me...bigger than my life.  For the most part, I do sincerely love all the volunteers I see on Mondays.  There are a few...we all have those people in our lives.  We want to like them.  We're commanded to love them, but it's just sooooo hard.  Conflicting personalities, differing points of view, opposing walks of life.  I've come to think of these folks as my spiritual sandpaper.  These are the folks and encounters with them are when God is refining me.  He knows who I want to be...He knows who He wants me to be and in order to do that, there's got to be testing moments.  I'm just here to say, sometimes the burn from the sandpaper is HARSH!

Our family took part in our first youth mission trip and we had a blast!  We were able to get to know so many of our youth group on a different level.  Never been hotter, dirtier, or more exhausted in my life.  Never been so happy, either.

Came to terms with my addiction to church work and pulled out of just about every committee.  I have to say, at first, it was WEIRD!  After the weird wore off, I became content in not having so much on my plate.  It's given me a chance to look at other areas of service besides what seems obvious.  I do plan on being more involved when the new church year rolls around in September, but am still firmly in control of my ability to say "NO!"

It was a banner year for weddings at our church.  I took over as wedding coordinator in February.  Directed weddings in May, August, September and October.  Each being so very different from the others.  Each providing tons of knowledge, experience and even a couple of blog entries.  The next one is in March.  I'll say it again...the best seat is at the back of aisle!

We started small group discipleship studies with our youth group.  God, being the high priest of Ha-Ha, put me together with our Youth Pastor's Wife and another friend...Mrs. Chelsea-Ana...to teach the high school girls.  Me.  The mother of two boys.  Me.  The grown woman who has a moderate fear of the adolescent female.  That's funny stuff!!!!  It's been a blast!  The three of us are very different from each other in way of experience and background.  Somehow, it works...and it works well.  I love watching the girls (I'm sure you're shocked!) and listening to them.  I'm here to tell you, though....NO WAY was I that beautiful when I was 16!!!!

I'm very excited about 2012!  Nothing like a new year to fill you with hope and expectation.  There will be trouble along the way; there always is.  Without the trouble, though, it's hard to appreciate when times are good.  How do you define good times if you never know the low moments?  So, here's to a year full of good times....and plenty of laughter to get us through when things aren't so good!
