Christmas Caroling....Day 14

Bubby and Uncle are here...overnight.  Uncle is the brother just up from FILove.  We.  LOVE.  Bubby and Uncle.  They are just....I don't know...they are just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They cut their grandparent teeth on Y1...being several years out from their own grand kids.  They have come to see us at each of our homes so Bubby can find us in her mind.  Until she sees us in whatever happens to be our current location, we are lost. 

So, honor of Bubby, this is her favorite Christmas carol.  Happens to be one of mine, too.  Bubby remember her mother singing this in church...I'm guessing Mrs. Bubby'sMama had a high soprano voice.  David Phelp's rendition is just moving.  Bubby and I hope you enjoy it.
