Christmas Caroling...Day 13

Is this getting obnoxious, yet?  Is it starting to wear on you like endless rounds of "Twelve Days of Christmas?"  Don't worry, that particular ditty won't be making the list.  I like it well enough...but I don't LIKE it like it....if you know what I mean.

Again...attached to my memories of my FILove...he had an album with a version of OCAYF that would get even the stodgiest of church members fired up.  It was completely instrumental and the intensity of the song built up to the last verse.

"Yea, LORD, we greet thee!  Born this happy morning, Jesus,
to thee be all glory given.
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing!
O come let us adore Him!
O come let us adore Him!
O come let us adore Him, Christ the LORD!"

The pipe organ made the song.  I know some folks aren't fans of organ music.  I'm really not...unless it is well played.  To understand what a well played organ is you have to understand what it sounds like when it is NOT well played.  Imagine the sounds you could get stepping on a cat, a goose, a duck and a monkey....that's what a poorly played organ sounds like. (No cats, geese, ducks or monkeys were harmed in the writing of this blog.)The organ on FILove's record and the organ in this video are very well played.  FILove's grin would get bigger and bigger as the song progressed and when it launched into the last verse, his grin was so wide, his face could barely contain it.  He's stand up and have his fist clenched, arm bent and do that sort of pulling down motion that symbolizes, " YEAH, BABY!"  And that's exactly what he'd say.  The stereo would be cranked to the point of shaking the windows when the organ would hit certain notes. 

Today's video sort of splits the difference of what FILove and I each love about this song.  It's got the "fat" pipe organ sound that he just adored and it's got the descant that just gives me shivers.  I have always wanted to hit those very high notes...the ones that are so high and pure that they sound like little glass bells!  Maybe when I get to Heaven, King Jesus will let me be a soprano for just a little while.  I do think they sing in Latin on the second verse...not sure...I think the second chorus is in English...not sure....but I know that the verse isn't...unless my Southern American English ears are so uncalibrated that I can't understand Singing In a Cathedral British English anymore. 
