Just Say "NO!"

Anyone remember that campaign from the 80's?  Bueller?  Bueller?  It was First Lady Nancy Reagan's pet project.  She was speaking about drug use/abuse...I am not but the slogan fits.  On second thought, maybe what I want to write about today is rather drug like in nature.  I guess it depends on who you are and how you are wired.  I'm one of those people who LOVES to be involved with projects.  Projects for the school, for the church, with friends, for the community...I love projects!  I love working with my friends and meeting new people along the way...I love being part of something that will make things good for other folks.  What I don't love...what I abhor is the feeling that I'm drowning in all my commitments and the only way to do that is to refrain from taking on anything more and eliminating things that can be done by someone else. 

Easier said than done.  And to truly understand this you have to be one of us...The Project Hoarders.  We agree to do this...which leads to that...which leads to the other...which leads to something else...which leads straight to a room with padded walls!  Forgive me, what I'm about to say will sound like I am being boastful, but I am not...this is the truth.  I have established a reputation of being someone who will get things done and done in good order.  Loose ends and things of such nature will be minimal and if they exist, it will be due to circumstances beyond my control.  That's just me...how God made me.  So because of that, I get tapped for all sorts of projects.  It's a wonderful thing to know that people find me to be dependable, reliable and trustworthy.  But all this makes it difficult to JUST SAY NO because I worry about who will do it and will it be done well. 

I'm sure this is something I will struggle with for the rest of my life, because I'm struggling against my will....but I'm done feeling like I'm drowning every time I open my day-runner.  DONE.  And in case you don't get it, right in the middle of that word are the two letters of one of my new favorite words...N and O...NO!  I'm trying hard to remember that I am not the only one in every area of my life...there are others and many of them are just as capable as I am of doing what needs to be done.  I need to get out of the way and let them do it.  What will end up being a burden to me because of my addiction to being involved, could be just the blessing that someone else needs...so why should I rob them of that? 

By no means does this imply that I will no longer be involved with anything...it means that I am going to be more choosy about what I do.  I recently gave up my spot on two committees at church...two that I absolutely love, but I just needed to give myself some breathing room.  Every one of the ladies who still remain on those committees are perfectly capable of doing everything that I did...and it will be just fine...and if it isn't exactly like I would have done it, who cares?  In resigning from these positions, the friend I was informing completely understood where I was coming from because she's a fellow addict and struggles with balancing everything.  She said she was proud of me and wanted to know if I would give her lessons in the art of saying "NO!"

My answer, of course, was a polite, but firm, "NO!"


  1. Need... More.. Posts... please...~ lol ;) :) Tiffany~

    P.S. Just got going on my new blog last night.. If you'd like to give it a glance, it's "Crull Conversation(.blogspot)," though I'm thinking about changing it to "Crull School.." ;)
    Hope you're having a Great day!!~~ :) Catch you later!


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