Open A New Window

Have I told you much about Y2?  If you think of my family as a 4-pack of crayons (and we are Crayola crayons because I am a brand snob about certain things and crayons are one of them...nothing colors as well as a Crayola...anywhoo...back to the story), Y2 is a color very different from the rest of us.  His perspective on life is unlike that of anyone I've ever met.  It would be interesting enough to have a friend like this...but parenting someone so eccentric, well....that's a completely different story.  He's my beautiful little weirdo (BLW).  Don't be off put by that...when I call him that, I say it with great love and admiration for my youngest child.  He's an oddball and it doesn't seem to bother him and instead of squelching it, we like to celebrate it!  I have to be honest and say that sometimes, he travels so far in to his little universe, I can't follow him.  His brain takes him on journeys; down paths that may as well be expeditions into the deepest, darkest parts of the unexplored planet.  His imagination and creativity are boundless and breath-taking...and mind-boggling.  Would you think less of me if I admitted that I don't always understand him? I try...I try VERY hard, but it would be like asking a sheep to understand a humpback whale!  Keep all of this in mind as you continue your reading.

This past Monday, I was on the phone with a friend from church.  She and I were deeply engrossed in a conversation about church business.  This wasn't a casual conversation; it was pretty weighty stuff.  All of the sudden, I realize that Y2 is streaking (Not LITERALLY streaking...although, when he was four, and we went up to the neighborhood pool to get our pass key, he proceeded to strip down to his natural front of God and several neighbors!  We were at the pool...of course we were going to swim...trunks being optional, in his mind!)across the front yard to play with our neighbor.  I had to stop my conversation with my friend because I couldn't figure out how he got outside.  I was sitting in the dining room and for him to get out the front door, he would have passed right through my field of vision.  Unless, of course, he was doing a belly crawl but even then I would have heard the door.  It has a pretty stout seal on it and sneaking in/out unheard or unnoticed just doesn't happen.  I checked the door and saw that it was partially closed...the usual state when the Ys are breaking land speed records as they head outside.  Hmmm...maybe he did sneak past me.  So, I got back into my phone conversation but opened the door just to look outside.  Imagine my surprise to see Y2 on the front walk, making for one of his BEDROOM WINDOWS!!!  Now, before you get all scared and crazed, his windows are ground level.  He has a set of bay windows in his room that are along the front of the house.  Thankfully, he chose the one closest to the sidewalk and NOT the one over the retaining wall.  Perhaps it goes without saying, but as soon as I realized my BLW was going to go back through the window to get into his room, my phone conversation ended.  Rather abruptly, but with my friend cackling wildly. 

Never in all my life did I think I would have to sit down and explain the difference between a door and a window to my child...this "gifted" child with the adult-sized IQ!  He assured me that he understood the windows were not doors, but he just had to try it...he couldn't resist!  I quickly informed him that the ONLY time he is to use the window as an escape route is for emergency purposes...and ONLY if it is an emergency and he can't get out his bedroom door.  Running through my head were thoughts of nailing his windows shut and then the realization that if they are nailed shut, he can't use them for said emergency purposes.  He's nine...using the window as a portal into/out of the house isn't supposed to happen until he's a teen ager, right?  Maybe since he's already exercised his curiosity about this, he won't do it again when he's older? 

Of course, the circumstances are very different...he wasn't sneaking in because he was late for curfew or because he wasn't supposed to be out at all...his motive was pure curiosity.  He was doing what he does best...what he's always had a gift for...thinking outside of the box.  This child, this brown eyed monkey BLW thinks so far outside of the box that he doesn't usually realize the box exists...and if he does notice the box, he's figured out something else to do with it.  Just like he turned what I saw as a bedroom window into a door to adventure.  Rock on, Y2....long may you reign!


  1. Amen!!~ :) :) *I understand this SOOO Well!!~ ;) :)
    Hope you have a Mah-velous week~~ :)
    Psalm 68:19


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