It's A Girl!

I have a daughter!  You've all been reading this blog long enough to understand the significance of having another female in this house.  I cannot tell you how it thrills my soul!  Now, before you all run out and buy a gift for our bundle of joy, let me explain...and THEN you can go buy us a present!  Well, not really...but if you truly want to, who am I to deny you the blessing of being a cheerful giver?  I'm kidding! 

The Y's have titled her Sissy.  She's nineteen (See why you needed to read before buying?)and with us for the summer.  Her daddy and Mr. Snark were co-workers at the power plant in SMALLtown, GA.  The last time we saw her, she was about Y1's, many years have passed since we last saw her.  Mr. Snark keeps regular contact with her dad and sometime last fall, the possibility of her having a summer internship with with The Company's downtown offices came to light.  Without hesitation, we offered our basement bedroom/computer room to her.  She came for orientation in early May and then started working two weeks later.  Her mother was rather surprised by how quick we were to offer our extra bed.  As I explained to Sissy's mother, if I had been the slightest bit concerned about her being a negative influence or at all troublesome, we wouldn't have made the offer.  I know the high regard that Mr. Snark has for Sissy's daddy...and that's no small thing.  I've heard enough stories about Sissy and her family and the way she's been raised to have no doubt that she'd be nothing but a blessing to us.  And so far, that's right on the money!

We're all properly smitten with our Sissy and we haven't scared her off, yet, so I guess that's a pretty good sign.  She is the oldest of six, so I'm thinking that we'd have to get down right primitive to throw her off guard.  She's big around as a minute, but can eat like Y1!  Long, blonde hair...beautiful blue-green eyes and a two-mile smile...wide and Julia Roberts.  She's BRILLIANT, but her sweet, goofy streak balances that out nicely.  Good thing, too...she and Mr. Snark get to nerding it up at supper and I'm lost...until she breaks out the goofy and then I'm back in the game!  All of her studying and academic work is just the means for her dream of being a missionary.  She wants to take her engineering work on the mission field and use it to come up with alternate energy sources; renewable energy that will make life so much easier for people in various places.  She doesn't want to be rich...she doesn't want to make life easier for those of us who already have it so easy it's criminal...she is waiting for the day that God opens that door and I'm telling you what...He won't have to tell her twice.  She'd leave tomorrow if she thought that was what she was supposed to do and she wishes she could have been gone yesterday!  Having her here has made me remember what it was like at that age...."real" life just many was still relatively uncomplicated.  She's more together than I was at that age.  Shoot, she's more together than a lot of folks my age! 

The summer will speed by, as they always do, and it will be time for her to return to college.  I can say with great certainty that the day she leaves us will not find me being the only one in tears.  Amazing how someone can come to mean so much to you in such a short period of time.  Maybe I ought to tie a wad of pink ribbon tot he mailbox to celebrate this girl's arrival into our family.  Pink balloons?  Pink streamers?  Hooray for summer daughters!!!
