I like...

...baby boys in sailor suits.
...good egg rolls.
...music from my childhood that takes me back to happy moments (song's like 'Jesse's Girl' and 'Don't Stop Believing').
...the sound of my Three Boyos laughing (much less mind numbing than the sound of one hand clapping).
...friendships that pick right up where you left them--like no time has passed.
...cold, starry nights.
...summer breezes.
...the smell of sunscreen and sunshine on the Younglings' skin.
...charcoal grills.
...country boy smiles (You know..the kind that sort of spread slowly all across the face and just absolutely light up the world).
...old pictures.
...little girls with hair curled especially for Sunday School.
...cherry Cokes!
...red toe polish for the summer.
...how my toe rings make me feel sassy (hmmm...sassier?).
...the smell of lemons.
...white roses.
...my Aunt Becky's Buckeye candy. 
...my silver hoop earrings that are comfortable enough to sleep in.
...looking at wedding magazines.
...'Moonlighting' before Maddy and David did the deed...ruined the show!
...walking on the beach at night.
...sunrises in the mountains.
...dogwood trees.
...fancy $5 words...I even like funny $.50 words!
...letters from Cousin Maggie (she and I are on a two women crusade to bring back the art of letter writing)!
...the sound of sleeping boyos.
