My littlest friend is very small.
My littlest friend is learning to crawl.
My littlest friend is very sweet.
My littlest friend thinks her feet...
are chew toys!
My littlest friend has big, brown eyes.
My littlest friend babbles and sighs.
My littlest friend makes me smile.
My littlest friend, oh for her I'll...
lasso the moon!
My littlest friend gives sweet kisses.
My littlest friend growls and hisses.
My littlest friend doesn't like her socks.
My littlest friend is a little fox...
My littlest friend gladdens my heart.
My littlest friend is a work of art.
My littlest friend is darling and dear.
My littlest friend, she and I, we're...
happy together!
My littlest friend is proof of love.
My littlest friend is a gift from above.
My littlest friend is fearfully made.
My littlest friend I'd never trade...
for all the tea in China!
My littlest friend is full of light.
My littlest friend is a beautiful sight.
My littlest friend is a child most blessed.
My littlest friend, who could have guessed...
how much I'd love her?
My littlest friend, you've brightened my world.
My littlest friend, you're a precious girl.
My littlest friend, I hope you know.
My littlest friend, wherever you go...
I'm always here!
(Author's Note: My littlest friend is the daughter of a very dear friend, who has done very little to curb the harmless obsession that I've developed with her daughter. And for that...I will be eternally grateful.)
Love My Littlest Friend!