My apologies to JM Barrie...or is it Walt Disney...for taking liberty with the exhortation that brought Tinkerbell back to life..."I do believe in fairies, I do! I do!" I wish I may, I wish I might, bring manners and common courtesies back to life! It's pitiful, people! Pure-o-dee (as Granny would say) pitiful! Not entirely dead and gone, but so rare, they could qualify for a spot on the list of endangered species. I don't know where the blame starts. How and when did we become so rude? Who decided that being polite was no longer a good thing?
In the midst of this little rant, let me be quite transparent....I don't pretend to have the market cornered on social graces. I have my moments that probably make people wonder if I was raised by wolves. (I wasn't, just in case the thought had crossed your minds.) But I do try very hard and that effort has to count for something. It's a constant struggle to be be be a world that doesn't seem to give a rodent's hind parts about such things. It's like the task is it's insurmountable. Is it truly that difficult? I'm not talking about sitting down at a state dinner, where every individual seat comes with a place setting of eight different kinds of flatware and you have to figure out which fork comes first (work from the outside in, BTW)! The little things...and teaching them EARLY...that's where it starts. What little things? Thank you for are so kind!
Thank you ever so much for your time. (See...that didn't hurt a bit!)
In the midst of this little rant, let me be quite transparent....I don't pretend to have the market cornered on social graces. I have my moments that probably make people wonder if I was raised by wolves. (I wasn't, just in case the thought had crossed your minds.) But I do try very hard and that effort has to count for something. It's a constant struggle to be be be a world that doesn't seem to give a rodent's hind parts about such things. It's like the task is it's insurmountable. Is it truly that difficult? I'm not talking about sitting down at a state dinner, where every individual seat comes with a place setting of eight different kinds of flatware and you have to figure out which fork comes first (work from the outside in, BTW)! The little things...and teaching them EARLY...that's where it starts. What little things? Thank you for are so kind!
- Saying "please" when making a request.
- Saying "thank you" when the request is fulfilled, or when someone bestows a kindness upon you. Maybe even "thank you" if the request is denied. The extra effort to be polite even when disappointed can lead to good things.
- Saying "excuse me" if you pathway is obstructed. Standing and staring at someone until they move out of your way is creepy.
- Just disarms folks...makes them wonder what you're up to...and often, they stay out of your way. And sometimes....sometimes, they might smile back.
- If it isn't yours, leave it alone.
- If you make a mess, clean it up or at least offer to clean it up.
- Be on time for appointments. If you can't be on and give notice. If you are going to be later than fifteen minutes, offer to reschedule.
- If you would like to get an appointment the same day you're calling about making an appointment, you have a better chance of this if you call FIRST thing in the morning. Don't wait until 4:00pm and be surprised when you can't be seen.
- If you've got a grossery order large enough to feed the children of Israel, let the man with A loaf of bread cut in front of you. The grossery store is a scary place for some fellows. They see those big cart loads and start sweating!
- As simple and cliché as it may sound, it is solid truth: if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. In the words of (nerd alert) Gandalf the Grey...."keep your tongue behind your teeth!"
- If you receive an invitation that requests an RSVP, follow through with the RSVP. It's MADDENING to plan an event and have no idea how many people are coming.
- Please don't answer your cell phone in the public bathroom. It makes me cringe...and then it makes me laugh when I hear you respond to when asked what you're doing..."Oh nothing....just shopping." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
- Speaking of cell phones...please double check that they are set to silent when you go into church, the theater (movies), the theatre (plays) and the funeral home. Triple check, even.
- If you break or damage something, offer to make restitution. Don't walk away like nothing happened.
- Again...a bit of a cliché, but it has served me well over the years. Lack of preparation your part (my part) doesn't constitute an emergency on my part (your part).
- If invited to a friend's home for a meal, offer to bring something. Even a jug of tea is appreciated.
- Leave the blossoming bellies of pregnant women alone. If you and the expectant mama have a close relationship, that's one thing. The blossoming bellies of those women who are not acquaintances are off limits.
- Don't ask ANY female if she's pregnant or when she's due. There is a distinct possibility that she's not pregnant. Save yourself the embarrassment. Save her the battle with negative self image.
Thank you ever so much for your time. (See...that didn't hurt a bit!)
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