Watch: The Dropbox

About a month ago, I watched quite possibly the most incredible documentary that I've ever seen.  It was called, "The Drop Box."  It is the story of a South Korean pastor by the name of Lee.  In 1998, Pastor Lee and his wife began their mission work with a people group that had no voice...abandoned babies.  Social/cultural views of pregnancies outside of marriage, poverty and babies born with deformities/disabilities are common reasons for abandonment.  In 2009, Pastor Lee and his wife installed a special box on the front of their church.  When a baby is placed in the box, an alarm sounds to announce the baby's arrival.  In the film, one of Pastor's adopted sons said that when that bell rings, "a war, for this baby, begins in Heaven."  Gave me chills, made me cry and say, "HALLELUJAH" all at the same time! 

Do yourself a this movie.  We've all been hit pretty hard by the cruelty of humanity, in recent days.  We've seen the face of evil up close and personal, here in SMALLtown.  Watch this movie and let it refresh your faith in the love and kindness that still exists. 

Here's the movies official website:

And here's the link to an article about Pastor Lee's journey:

Let me know what you think...let me know how many Kleenex boxes you empty while watching it!
