Little girls...ages three and five. Sisters, to be precise. They belong to my Ph.D. cousin and her MD hubs. Our family was gathering in Ph.D.'s neck of the woods for a family reunion. I arrived a couple of days ahead of the reunion to get in some visiting and bonding with these little blonde haired-blue eyed pixies. Little did I know what all that really entailed. We made a list of our activities...planned and spontaneous. It was QUITE the day.
- Wake up.
- Eat breakfast.
- Get dressed (in order of completion: Cousin Mickey, AJ, CJ).
- Brush teeth (in order of completion: Cousin Mickey, AJ, CJ).
- Cleaning ladies arrive.
- Let Preston out of his crate (the family dog...not the little brother).
- Take Preston outside.
- Give Preston a treat.
- Feed/water Preston.
- Fashion show
- Parade
- Dance party
- Check on cleaning ladies.
- Play "Hot/Cold" with "veggies" from the play kitchen.
- Play "Hide and Seek."
- Check on cleaning ladies.
- Read books.
- Play basketball, which turned into
- Naked basketball....LITTLE GIRLS, ONLY....and they had on their undies and this was THEIR idea.
- Go upstairs so cleaning ladies can clean basement rooms.
- Let Preston out.
- Tell Preston that the intrinsic reward for not peeing in the house should be reward enough.
- Ballet practice.
- Say "good-bye" to cleaning ladies.
- Make/have lunch....which sort of erases some of what the cleaning ladies accomplished.
- Read books.
- Start on small craft projects.
- Protest rest suggestion.
- Realize that protesting is futile.
- Agree that the rest will be short-ish.
- Cousin Mickey plans supper
- Wake from short-ish rest. (And wonder where two hours of your day went.)
- Realize that Cousin Mickey is not all fun and games.
- Tease Cousin Mickey about how little her phone is and then shame her by having a toy cell phone that is larger and far cooler.
- Finish small craft projects.
- Greet Mama and Baby Sister and report all of the day's activities.
- Mama orders Chinese, circumventing Cousin Mickey's plans for dinner and that's ok because Cousin Mickey loves her some big city Chinese food!
Little girls are amazing and so different than little boys! Anyone who tells you otherwise is full of feathers! I'm really thankful for my time with these little dolls. I'm also really thankful that The Boyos are the ages they are. That "5 and under" crowd is no joke!
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