Spear Chucking

Find your Bible...got to Matthew 5...find the verse:  "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."  That was the text of last Sunday's sermon.  I've heard sermons about this verse and the others that are part of "The Beatitudes."  I thought I understood what this verse meant.  And that's what I get for thinking....because I really had no clue. 

Meekness is not one of the qualities that comes up when I'm doing a personality inventory and to be rather brass tacks about it, I don't think it's in my genetic coding.  Meek, according to Merriam-Webster, is defined as:
1. enduring injury with patience and without resentment :  mild
2. deficient in spirit and courage :  submissive
3. not violent or strong :  moderate .
Can you see why I have problems with this?  How in the world can a person be asked to endure injury with patience and without resentment?  Who wants to be deficient in spirit and courage?  I don't want to be violent, but I certainly want to be strong...who doesn't?  As a society, I think we misunderstand this word.  I do believe that it takes incredible spirit, courage and strength to endure injury with patience and to do so without resentment or violence. 

Here's the link to the sermon...if you have the time to watch it, I think it will be time well spent.  And if you don't find yourself squirming, then maybe you are living more rightly than I...good for you!


What got me the most is when Bro. K. started in on our personal spears...you know, the weapons that we keep handy when we decide to go to battle.  Pride, arrogance, anger, sass.  Yep, he said "sass."  My spirit was talking to him, "Now, you didn't have to say that.  Come on, now.  Don't talk about sass...that's where I live!"  I felt like everyone in the room could see right through me and it wasn't a comfortable feeling.  Our family went forward, when the invitation was given, to join the church. What I really wanted to be doing was lying face down on the altar and laying down my quiver of spears.  I didn't feel at all worthy of the loving, cordial and friendly welcome that we received from our new church family.  The message rattled around in my brain all afternoon and has stayed with me through the week.  It was just that good.

Curious to hear what you think. Let me know if you get a chance to listen/watch the sermon. 


  1. If I ever had a preacher talk about the sin of sass, I'd have to join that church in a heartbeat.


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