A Thankful Heart

For your viewing pleasure....
Now, I realize that when Mr. Snark and I were first exposed to "Veggie Tales," we were probably well outside of their target audience.  But I'm here to tell you, there was some excellent Biblical truth packaged in that cast of computer animated salad fixin's!

He'p me count my blessings, won't you?
  1.  The love of Creator God.
  2.  The birth, death and RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ!
  3.  Christian Skate Night at the Roller Haven skating rink in Flint, Michigan....that's where I gave my heart to Jesus.  He's everywhere, my darlings!
  4.  Godly grandparents who left an indelible mark on my life and gifted our family with an amazing legacy.
  5.  My mama....and if I expound upon all the reasons that she is a blessing in my life, you'll miss Thursday's feast....and we can't be having that!
  6.  My daddy....a late bloomer....walking evidence that God doesn't give up on His children.
  7.  My stepdad...he's a goober, but there's never been another man who has made my mama so happy.
  8.  My stepmama....Daddy married UP when he got hold of her, and he knows it.  Her ability to love unconditionally is staggering.
  9.  My siblings....I carry you in my heart.
10.  My MILove...she is everything that flies in the face of all the stereotypes about mothers-in-law.
11.  My extended family
12.  Mr. Snark....if anyone ever wondered why I fell in love with him, all they need to do is take a look at the way he has handled this soup-sandwich of a relocation...the way he's handled me during this soup-sandwich of a relocation.
13.  The Younglings...without fully understanding who they would be, these beautiful creatures have fulfilled every wish and dream I ever had about being a mother!  Has it all been rainbows and pixie dust....not hardly!  But I wouldn't trade a minute of it for all the tea in Dixie!
14.  The Friemily (friends+family)...scattered to the four corners and beyond :)
15.  Our church family at NSBC....you caught us, in 2009, in the midst of what felt like a grief driven free fall.  Leaving y'all is going to be one of the hardest things we've ever done.
16.  My GIRLFRIENDS....again, scattered to the four corners and beyond...life would be so very beige without you!
17.  Options...open windows, closed doors, roads less taken, horses of different colors
18.  Perspective....is it a problem or an inconvenience?  Sometimes the only difference between the two is perspective.
19.  Laughter....no prescription pad required!!!!
20.  Music...especially the choir music that makes me want to twirl and take flight!
21.  Good bargains....like eight stemmed water glasses with a certain motif etching that I bought for under $7.00!  That's what $70 worth of "store money" and a 15% off coupon will do for ya!
22.  Bowls of piping hot soup on cold blustery nights!
23.  Fried chicken...I'm Southern and Southern Baptist...I don't need to say any more, do I?
24.  A good night's sleep
25.  Unlimited long distance and text
26.  Email
27.  Facebook....don't judge.
28.  Pinterest....ahem...if you like what you eat when you come to eat at YOHOS or when I bring something to your house, you're thankful for Pinterest, too!
29.  Online banking
30.  Blessings in disguise and unanswered prayers
