Hello friends and neighbors! My quest to write on a daily basis has not been as successful as I imagined it would be. I want to write everyday, but I don't want to write for the sake of writing, you know? Things don't always come as one cohesive idea...sometimes, they come at random...little pieces of this and that. They don't really match with each other; the common denominator being they originated within the confines of my alleged mind. That's the string that holds them all together...kind of like a string of beads.
- Life is hard. The sooner you (me, we) accept that fact, the better off your life will be. The choices you (I, we) make directly impact life's difficulty. Learning the lessons from previous mistakes is CRUCIAL. Taking responsibility for the choice you (I, we)make is part of being an adult. I'm sorry (not really, but it's the polite thing to say), but it is. Sometimes, life is just hard and it doesn't have anything to do with the choices we've made. It is what it is. Whining about it, being mad about it is nothing but a waste of energy.
- OWN YOUR MISTAKES! We all make them. None of us are infallible. As hard as it is to admit when you've done wrong, just do it. Being able to admit your own wrong doing is a much more respectable quality than putting the blame on someone else. I can be friends with someone who will be honest about his/her shortcomings and failures. The blamers...well, they just make me wish I had one of those St*r Tr*k guns....phasers...with the setting at "vaporize."
- Be kind to the people around you. I don't care who they are...the ones closest to you, the ones that you might see once and never lay eyes on them again. Kindness goes a long way...it has a ripple effect. The world could use more kindness. Guess what, it's free and relatively painless to share!
- There is a fine line between being judgemental and sticking to your convictions. Certain issues in this life collide with the Biblical world view that we have around YOHOS. You and I might disagree about certain topics, but as long as we can agree to disagree and revel in the things that we have in common, what separates us doesn't matter.
- I think we, as a society, have taken political correctness beyond the point of ludicrous! We should be sensitive and tactful with our conversation, but it has gotten to the point where honesty and sincerity has been sacrificed. Intent to offend is never advisable. However, some topics are just offensive and you can try six ways from Sunday to wrap them in pink ribbon...they will still be offensive. Waste of perfectly good pink ribbon, too. Our conversations, in whatever form, should be deliberate and thoughtful and free of malicious intent. In doing this, you leave being offended as an individual choice.
- Fruited chocolate is gross. Take chocolate strawberries for instance....I like strawberries. I like chocolate but something about the combination just turns me. You either get a good strawberry that is covered in cheap chocolate or it's a sub par berry disguised beneath good chocolate. WASTE....such waste! (I told you this was a random string of thoughts!)
- Junderwear....the jean shorts that are SO short they look like denim undies....should be OUTLAWED!!!! They are NEVER a good wardrobe choice! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- PLEASE stop over-sharing on your preferred form of social media. If you need to share THAT much, just call your best friend and talk.
- Have you ever heard a chipmunk "talking?" I'm not sure what you their chirping, but it is LOUD! For something so small, it makes a tremendous noise. High pitched and brain numbingly repetitive. We have lots of oak and hickory trees around us....we have lots of chipmunks.
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