Pizza....With A Side Of Patience

Patience....not something I am gifted with...and to be truthful, it's not a virtue that I pursue.  That looks terrible in black and white, but we like to keep real around here, yes?  Ugly as it may be, it is the gospel truth.  People who can work this gift are superheros, to me.  I also think people who can do the "Elly May " whistle are just as heroic, but I digress.  You never know when you're going to see patience working, which is where my penchant for the observation of human behavior comes in handy.

Grabbed lunch at a local deli, today.  Sat down at my table, after placing my order and noticed that the table next to me was occupied by a mother and her four children.  Well, Mama and the three older children were at the table.  Infant Baby Sister was snug in her carseat at Mama's feet.  Mama and Oldest Sister were munching away.  Only Brother and Sister #2 were waiting for their lunch.  And they waited.  And they waited.  And they waited.  They were there when I came in and Mama and Oldest Sister were eating.  At least five or six folks came in behind me.  My lunch came and still, no lunch for the littles.  Orders were delivered to folks coming behind me and still, no lunch for the littles.   Only Brother had to be reminded several times to sit on his bottom.  Mama kept her cool...voice even and quiet.  Only Brother and Sister #2 were well behaved and chatty.  Finally, one of the food runners realized that these children still did not have their lunches and got things squared away in quick fashion.  Never were two children happier to have their little pizzas put in front of them. Pizzas, with extra pickle spears for being so very patient.

Never once did either of those kidlets lose it.  Neither did their mama.  I was very impressed and on my way out, I stopped to tell them.  Boy, was that a fun conversation!  I knelt down between Oldest Sister and Only Brother and told them how very impressed I was.  I know adults that wouldn't have handled that kind of wait with half the self control and good behavior as they (the children) showed.  They thought that was funny.  Oldest sister proceeded to compliment me on my earrings and wedding ring.  Sister #2 told me she liked my scarf and well, she liked everything I was wearing.  Only Brother pointed out that Oldest Sister was wearing a jewel sticker on her ear...that it wasn't, in fact, a REAL earring.  I told him I thought that was pretty smart.  If she can tolerate the sticker, real earbobs won't be any big deal. He cracked up...nearly fell out of his chair.
"Ear bombs?  You said 'ear bombs!'  Why would she wear ear bombs?!"
He was six....things like that are funny when you're six.  Heck, at forty-two, things like that are pretty comical. 

I went on to tell them that I like to watch little ones when I'm out and about because my little ones aren't so little any more.  Their eyes got very big when I told them that Y1 was fifteen.  When you are seven, six and three, fifteen seems ANCIENT!  I told them that it was obvious that their mama and daddy are working very hard to teach them good lessons and that it is working.  I told their mama that sometimes, you just need to hear that you're doing a good job.  You can think that you are, but for someone to notice and then to tell you, it means all the world.

Some of the best lessons I have ever learned were taught to me by the little ones in my life.  It is amazing...they look naive...unlearned...everything but wise....but what often comes out of their mouths is nothing short of profound.  Evidently, I need to work on patience, in my life.  This time, God chose a table full of precious crumbsnatchers to be my teachers.  Next time, the lesson might not be so gentle....think I'll take this to heart.


  1. So great to hear stories of well-behaved children. Sometimes I wish there was a news show on t.v. that highlighted only the good stuff like this in the world. Maybe it would catch on. And good for you for complimenting them. It does feel good to hear it from a stranger now and then!


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