I'll Stand, Thank You Very Much!

Not sure who you are...or where you came from, because I don't recall you being behind us when the game started or at any point before half time.  Had you been there, you would have quickly realized that my husband and I are very vocal fans and we don't spend a lot of time sitting.  For one, the concrete bleachers aren't THAT comfortable.  For two, there are moments in the game that are so exciting that you just have to stand...or I do, we do.  Y'all don't and that was made plain by your request of us:

"Could y'all sit down so we can see?"

Really?  From the bits of your conversation that I could overhear without much straining, y'all weren't paying any attention to the game.  Like I said, you weren't behind us for the first half.  So, I'm not sure where you were...but your interest, or sincere lack there of,  was obvious.  I guess that sounds like I'm judging your level of dedication to the team based on your more relaxed approach.  I guess I am, but it is beyond my ability to comprehend how you could SIT through all of that!!!  We had this team SHUT OUT by 4 touchdowns at half time.  Are you kidding?  I heard other folks who have followed our team for longer than I have say that they don't remember us EVER delivering shut out.  Not long into the second half of the game, our opponents scored twenty one UNANSWERED points and still had plenty of time and what seemed like plenty of gas to throw a few more on the board.  Our defense was carrying our team with Herculean effort and you wanted me to sit down?  I complied with your request due to a certain amount of shock, Mama's home training and the fact that Jesus is alive and well and living in my heart!  I said nothing because as much as I might bark around here, I'm not much on face to face confrontation.  Eventually, I moved down a couple of rows.  It was more than I could take sitting down and I surely didn't want to disturb you.  Mr. Snark didn't move.  Maybe you had enough room in the void that I left.  At that point, whether or not you could see was the least of my concerns.

Maybe folks like you are what's the matter with our football program.  We've had losing season, after losing season.  We've been the joke of our conference for several years.  We've been content to be used as a whipping boy by a neighboring municipality, whose cephalopod-like arms have grabbed up as much of the high rent commercial property as they can, making their boundaries look like the scribbled masterpiece of a three year old on a sugar high!  They ONLY thing that makes them different from us is money!  Granted, it's a lot of money...but it's only money.  For all that money can do, it can't buy heart.  It can't buy determination.  It can't buy drive.  It can't buy tenacity.  It can't buy the purity of a conquering spirit.  What happened on that field, especially in the last moments of the game was heart...determination, drive, tenacity and conquering spirit and I don't think it would have been as fierce had we been resting on our blessed assurance.  Those boys were giving EVERYTHING...ALL IN...NOTHING LEFT IN RESERVE...and you want me to reward them by sitting down so you can see?  To go a step further, maybe folks like you are what's wrong with our society and our country?  Maybe we've sat down for too long...about matters of morals and ethics and the values that built this country.  Would you look at what all the sitting has gotten us?  A heap load of trouble and our forefathers and foremothers doing pirouettes in their graves!

My advice to you is this:  if you want to sit down, go to the ballet, go to the symphony, go to a lecture...maybe go to church!  Don't come to the football game and sit behind me though....I promise, you won't see much!
