There he goes...first day of high school. I remember my first day...I was SOOOOOOOOO excited...and slightly nervous. I think he was too tired to be anything but tired. Cheesewagon rolls through at 6:20 in the A of M...EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He and his daddy read today's entry from My Utmost For His Highest before he headed out and appropriately enough, it was about resting in the Lord.
Look out, 5th grade!!!! The humidity had his hair curling like Squiggy...made me giggle. He was full of energy and in SUCH a good mood. I hope it holds for the year. Before he left, I sat with him and we read Proverbs 20...he thought it was VERY cool to know that there was a chapter of Proverbs for everyday in a month. We talked a lot about the third verse.
It speaks to the uselessness of arguing because it doesn't take a lot of intelligence to do so.
Pretty good words for the start of a new school year!
You can NOT already have a high schooler! Praying for a restful, joyful year!