It's been awhile, hasn't it? No particular reason for the length between posts...just one of those lulls that happens from time to time. Nothing particularly remarkable going on at YOHOS...a little of this and a little of that. For those of you who are die hard Chronicles fans, perhaps that's better than nothing.
- I put up 20 half pints of peach preserves, yesterday. That makes 10 pints and 5 quarts. Seriously...5 quarts of preserves. We'll probably buy other jelly during the winter...but it won't be peach! Peaches have to be my most favorite of the summertime fruits. Love blackberries, but peaches don't have those pesky little seeds that like to find the crevices of my molars! This year, the peaches have been A-MAZING! We've been eating them steady on since Memorial Day. Here's the thing about can tell by the smell! If it doesn't smell like a peach, don't buy it! There's a particular's the kind of scent that makes my mouth water, INSTANTLY! That batch I bought Memorial Day weekend...the farmer laughed at me when he saw me have to gulp after getting a snootful of that one basket! I love them JUICY...I mean, like you can't eat them in public juicy. If it doesn't run down my chin, it's not juicy enough! I could have put up a dozen more jars...but at the count of 20, I decided I was good. What was left went into quart bags and into the freezer. There's probably about a dozen or so quarts in the freezer. Come January...when the sky is gray...those peaches will be a welcome spot of summer!
- Speaking of the freezer, ours got a LONG overdue defrosting, last Saturday. The last time it was completely defrosted was when we moved to Bamaham...almost 4 years ago. When I bought that freezer, I didn't do a really good job with the has to be defrosted and it doesn't have wheels. Wheels would make it so much easier to roll outside for the defrosting! Thank goodness for Mr. Snark's well rounded tool arsonal! The creeper worked nicely for temporarily relocating the freezer to the driveway. Being that it was a ferociously sunny day, the ice melted in no time flat! We also used the water hose to expedite the process. Seems much roomier in there without the built up ice! Room for peaches!
- The dry spell has been broken...PRAISE JEHOVAH! Seriously, it was so dry that our front yard was brown...and there were even a couple of burned patches! Yes, I know...watering the grass might keep it from burning, but we've never been those kind of people. And even if we were water the yard kind of folks, there's no way that we could have put enough water on the grass to keep ahead of the heat. We've had rain every day for almost two weeks. And it's been glorious! It was raining last Wednesday as we were leaving from choir practice. I did not carry my umbrella into the church with me and wasn't the least bit concerned about getting wet. You know it's been a long time since rain fell, that when it finally does, you're just as pleased as can be to walk in it!
- Y1 is deep in the throes of football summer workouts. They don their pads in a couple of weeks and that's when the fun REALLY starts. He and our carpool neighbor have determined that high school workouts are a completely different animal from middle school workouts. I had pick-up, last week, and one day, brought them each a wet wash cloth, drink bottle of lemonade and a banana. They giggled like little girls when they got those icy cold cloths on their heads. Seriously, we're riding down the road and they have the wash cloths on their heads! There was silence for about 15 seconds as the CHUGGED the lemonade. Be glad that there's no such thing as scented blogging...SWEET MARY MARGARET...that's a POWERFUL stench! I love my kid and I'm pretty fond of our carpool neighbor, but pppppsssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaawwwwwwwww! They purely reek! But, without this kind of effort in workouts and practice, victory will be an elusive beast. Frankly, she eluded us quite enough during 7th and 8th grade ball...we'd like to have some return on our sweat investment. Something besides the empty bottles of fabric and air freshener!
- July 30 will be my last Monday at The Ministry Center. My time has come...and it wasn't an easy decision because I know it isn't easy to get volunteers...especially in the kitchen. I have been thinking about this move for some months...been praying about it. I prayed especially for someone to come along to fill the spot I'm leaving. He's an on-time God...and sometimes, His punctuality is staggering. A new volunteer came last week, at the invitation of one of our regulars and she came to the kitchen and chatted a bit. As it would happen (HA...this was NO co-inky-dink!), she used to work in the test kitchen for a rather well known Southern themed home and garden type magazine that is published here in The 'Ham! She said these words and I nearly choked..."Maybe one day I could come in and assist you!" Assist me nothing, can have it! And starting in August, it's hers!
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