Well, not really...but it sounds good! I'm going to be published. Some of you are saying that I'm already published because of the blog and I guess that's true. However, I'm talking about REALLY being published, in print, in a legitimate periodical. A friend of mine is the publisher of a group of magazines that are focused on Christian family life in various locations throughout the Southeast...the Bamaham magazine being the flagship. I sent her a link to the blog, just on a fluke. Didn't know if she was looking for any writers or if she'd even like what she read. What I write...how I write...it's an acquired taste. Some people find my voice, spoken or written, to be as pleasant as nails on the chalkboard.
Much to my great surprise, but not to God's, my friend was very excited about my inquiry. Unbeknownst to me, she'd been looking for a female writer...a female voice of encouragement and liked what she read. Holy crab apples, Batman! So, I worked up a couple of pieces and she really like them. We were shooting for February. God had other plans, though, and when I didn't see it in February, I just let it go. Then I get an email from my friend...attached to a contract...saying that she's planning on running it in the April edition. A coffee date was made so we could talk about it and here we are! The Nashville magazine will be the debut, due to space issues in the Bamaham book. When the advertising grows, there will be pages added and she can run it locally. I feel like Dolly Parton's character, Truvy, in Steel Magnolias. Her husband surprises her with a downtown location for her beauty shop, in addition to the one that she has on the backside of their house. "I'm a chain!"
My sweet friend, Amy, is adamant that this is the first stop on my way to being "the next great Southern novelist." Her words...not mine and she's definitely dreaming bigger than I am. No telling where this could lead. For right now, I'm so happy to have this opportunity that I'm just going to enjoy it and work very hard to make sure I do a very good job. My publisher's instructions were to keep it at around 350 words and keep it funny. I make her laugh and that's what she wants for the readers. The funny won't be a problem...my life and life, in general, will provide PLENTY of material. It's the word limit that's going to be the beast. Doesn't leave a lot of room for parenthetical or italicized asides...and I do love them...but I suppose I'll figure it out.
You've all been so encouraging to me and I thank you. I promise...when I win the Pulitzer, I'll remember to mention you!
Much to my great surprise, but not to God's, my friend was very excited about my inquiry. Unbeknownst to me, she'd been looking for a female writer...a female voice of encouragement and liked what she read. Holy crab apples, Batman! So, I worked up a couple of pieces and she really like them. We were shooting for February. God had other plans, though, and when I didn't see it in February, I just let it go. Then I get an email from my friend...attached to a contract...saying that she's planning on running it in the April edition. A coffee date was made so we could talk about it and here we are! The Nashville magazine will be the debut, due to space issues in the Bamaham book. When the advertising grows, there will be pages added and she can run it locally. I feel like Dolly Parton's character, Truvy, in Steel Magnolias. Her husband surprises her with a downtown location for her beauty shop, in addition to the one that she has on the backside of their house. "I'm a chain!"
My sweet friend, Amy, is adamant that this is the first stop on my way to being "the next great Southern novelist." Her words...not mine and she's definitely dreaming bigger than I am. No telling where this could lead. For right now, I'm so happy to have this opportunity that I'm just going to enjoy it and work very hard to make sure I do a very good job. My publisher's instructions were to keep it at around 350 words and keep it funny. I make her laugh and that's what she wants for the readers. The funny won't be a problem...my life and life, in general, will provide PLENTY of material. It's the word limit that's going to be the beast. Doesn't leave a lot of room for parenthetical or italicized asides...and I do love them...but I suppose I'll figure it out.
You've all been so encouraging to me and I thank you. I promise...when I win the Pulitzer, I'll remember to mention you!
How exciting!! Be sure you let us all know the details so we can grab a copy...or a hundred...for signatures for when you're famous! :)