As The Septum Curves

My septum has a curve in says the ENT and so say my CT films.  There are also LOTS of polyps in my nasal and facial sinus cavities and a great big air pocket!  There's even a brain, right where it should be, for those of you who were wondering.  The other sinus passages look good but there are definite problem areas.  My options are (1) leave things as they are and just deal with the sinus infections as they come along or (2) let the ENT do surgery. 

He assures me that the issues he sees didn't happen overnight.  It takes time for such a cluster of abnormalities, and the changes have probably been so subtle that I haven't really noticed them.  What I take as my normal, really isn't.  It's a modified version based on the changes that have taken place.  So much for living real...ha!  I'm inclined to just live with the sinus infections as they come along.  They aren't chronic or unusual; maybe once or twice a year.  I do have to say, the one that felled me over Spring Break was a beast!  I've never had a sinus infection render me generally useless for about three days.  Y2 came home from school and found me lying on the couch..."Mama!  You're in the same place as you were when I left!"  Psshya!! We don't have a television in our bedroom or I'd have been in there.  If having the surgery will avoid a repeat of that, it's a serious option.  Outpatient...about an hour and the recovery time is about a week.  My ENT said most of his patients are back to routine within about three or four days, but will feel puny for about a week or they had a sinus infection.  He also assures me that I would notice obvious differences, after removing the polyps and correcting the anatomy, that would reinforce his idea that I've been slowly going abnormal and not realizing it.  Slowly going abnormal...Lawdy!  That will preach!

Not being completely aware of this process, I asked him if it would change the appearance of my nose.  I like my's cute, in a button, sort of ski-jump way.  My ENT is also a board certified reconstructive and cosmetic surgeon.  I figured it was a perfectly logical question to ask.  I was delighted to hear him say it wouldn't; that there was NO reason for me to even consider altering my was perfectly lovely.  I wasn't considering it...I wouldn't consider it and I just needed to know if he was!

It's nothing so serious that it has to be decided overnight and that's a very good thing.  Knowing that my nose will look just the same if/when it's all done, is even better.
