Catching Up

I's been awhile since my last entry.  Forgive me.  Call it writer's block...maybe it's laziness...maybe a touch of complacency.  Maybe it's the time change...maybe it's Spring Fever.  Maybe my planets are misaligned.  Choose the reason that best suits you and we'll move on.

  • Our household has not been immune to the craze of Suzanne Collins' book The Hunger Games.  We began seeing trailers for the movie months ago...all the way back in November, actually.  Y1 ended up reading it as part of his Lit class.  Mr. Snark read it.  I read it.  I devoured about 24 hours.  Obviously a fast read...but better yet, a GOOD read.  I am so glad that his Lit teacher finds it important to pull in things that are modern and current, along with what are considered classics.  It's been a lot of fun reading this book and the other two in the series and talking with him about it.  Hey....those of you with teenage sons will understand the importance of finding just nearly ANYTHING that will get them talking. 
  • Spring has sprung and with a VENGEANCE!  We've already had temps in the 80's and it's March.  The pollen has been ferocious.  The unruly clump of clover that likes to bloom in the front yard is full and lush...providing quite a buffet for the bumble bees.  A robin landed on the deck railing, yesterday, and sat there a good while.  Gorgeous! The trees being dressed out in their new leaves changes the light that comes into the kitchen windows.  There's a softness, a dappling that happens and it's hard to tear myself away.
  • Spring Break was last week.  Took the boyos on a road trip to SMALLtown GA.  Y1 has so many memories of that place.  He was almost eight years old when he left.  Lots of friends, landmarks.  It's a bit of a different story for Y2.  He was only four and really, just learning how to remember.  He knew our old house and some other landmarks.  There were people that he knew, but more that he didn't.  It was very interesting watching him process everything we did...interact with everyone we saw.  He played along, but for him, the emotional attachment wasn't the same.  The trip stirred up a lot of nostalgia in Y1.  He reconnected with "his girls."  Let me explain...when Y1 was born, there was a boom of babies at our church...most of them being girls.  Their lives intertwined pretty quickly...sharing the same babysitter, sharing the same church classes, going to the same preschool, spending summer days floating in the pool together, going to school and being with each other for three years.  I guess the last time we spent any length of time there would have been 2008...just a few weeks before FIL died.  Four years and puberty...need I say more? 
  • We stayed our time in SMALLtown with my Brown Eyed Girl and her family.  Her little ones, ages 8 and 7, climbed on Y1 like he was a jungle gym!  They held onto his legs while he walked and tried to tackle him...not making any progress with that until they got Y2 to help them.  Y1 loved the attention.  Y2 was not so sure, perhaps a little jealous.  Sharing his brother's attention was not something he cared for...not that he wanted it, but letting anyone else have it was not a pill easily swallowed.  He DOES love his big brother!
  • Apparently, I have a curve in my says Dr. ENT.  He's very curious about it because I don't have the usual problems of someone with this problem...constant runny nose, headaches, etc.  He's ordered a sinus CAT-scan, after I finish the medicine for the WICKED sinus infection I have (which I am fully aware of...completely opposite to the one he said I had two weeks ago and was feeling totally fine) and allergy testing.  I'm just saying this right now...if he tells me I'm allergic to chocolate, great pouting and whining will take place.
  • Y2 brought home the proof sheet for his Spring Pictures.  It's happening.  He's starting to make that turn from little boy to young man.  I can see it.  Maybe it's the way his hair was combed (in such a way that it doesn't look combed because if you wear your hair in a way that looks like it's been combed then you aren't cool)...maybe it was the confidence in his face...maybe it's just my mother-heart recognizing something only visible to me.  Whatever it is, it's there.
I've missed writing but I don't want to just write for writing's sake...does that make sense?  I want to write about what stirs me and has meaning for me.  Of course....I'm very good at making mountains out of mole hills so maybe writing about any old thing isn't such bad least it would be something!
