It's been a grey and dreary day. I do love a rainy day, but sometimes, the greyness is just too much. Sort of suffocating or oppressive. It's very easy to slip into a funk on such a drab day. Choosing NOT to do that today. That's right, I said "choosing." I am making the conscious choice to stay out of the dumps. One of my favorite ways to do that is just to find a song that makes me dance and smile. Even better when the song is attached to a movie that I could watch in an endless loop. A song and a movie...such as this....
For a bunch of kids growing up in a town where dancing and rock-n-roll is illegal, some of them sure know how to shake a tail feather! Of course, Willard doesn't count since Ren gave him lessons. Maybe they were like me and Sister A...listening to it on the fly and dancing like souls possessed when no one was looking! There was this one time...have I shared this story with you....Granny had to work on Saturday. Papa was at home with us. He didn't care if we watched "Am*rican B*andstand." So, on it comes and we DANCE...I mean, like our lives depended on it. All of the sudden, Granny's car pulls into the drive...she's home a few hours early. We turn the TV off and disperse to another location, trying with everything to maintain a look of innocence. We sorta forgot about our sweat drenched heads and faces. I'm not kidding...we were dancing JUST that hard and were hasslin' (translation=breathing HARD)! I think she bought the lie we told her when we said we'd been chasing each other through the house...another verboten activity, but less stridently punished than dancin' to the Devil's music!
Cut it loose, y'all!
Cut it loose, y'all!
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