Shopping for An Imagination

Every year, a Halloween superstore takes up temporary residence in what is normally an empty storefront. Never had reason or desire to go in there...until this year.  Y1 needed a cowboy hat for his get up.  Probably the last one for awhile...wistful sigh from Mama.  The ones at WallyWorld were entirely too small and "Howdy-Doody" looking.  Being the good mama that I am (I don't care what you've heard...I am a good mama...mean, but good), off I went to find him a decent hat.  Decent being the operative word...the hat was truly one of the few things that I saw that was decent!

Did you know that costume options for women revolve around two basic themes?  You can either be a hooker or a witch.  And then there's the odd mash-up of the two....the witch who looks like a hooker!  Seriously!  Skirt lengths about as short as Kim Kardashian's marriage.  V-necklines that are revealing enough for the EN-TIRE alphabet!  Oh, and fishnet stockings!  It would seem that the "sexy" costume of your choice was not complete without fishnet stockings....including the "sexy" nun.  No...I'm not kidding.  There was actually a "sexy" nun costume....I guess her name would be Sister Trixie Fastenloose!  Faerie-hookers, witchy-hookers, police officer-hookers (SNORT) angel-hookers (can you hear me rolling my eyes), butterfly/bumble bee/lady bug-hookers, nurse-hookers..."sexy" vampires and "sexy" zombies.  Someone please explain to me the notion of a "sexy" zombie....what in the world is appealing about an undead critter, who smells like last year's garbage and wants to eat your brains??????????????  Then there were the few costumes that had stickers over the packaging that said "Censored"!  I found myself more repulsed by the "sexy" element than the actual horror themed merchandise.  Something is WRONG with that.  Oh, and the "sexy" costumes weren't reserved for just adult women...there were costumes in the tween and little girl section that just left me reeling!  Inappropriate doesn't begin to cover it...neither did the skirts on some of those get-ups! 

The boyos have never had a store-bought costume.  I've always made them....we've had a frog prince, a stick of dynamite, baby Elvis, Peter Pan, Indian brave, Route 66, Legolas the elf, a pirate, a 1920's gangster, a dragon.  The chance to stretch my creative muscles is something I enjoy.  I guess that's why cooking and event planning and such things come easier to me than they do to others.  Maybe that's why some people just don't get me when I'm in one of my creative zones.  Case in point:  Saturday night I attended our church's annual Trunk or Treat event as a social butterfly.  I painted a butterfly across my face...curled my hair...put on fancy, dangley earrings and several strands of shiny, sparkly beads...and had my date book with me.  I thought it was a good match for the game that had been assigned to The Family Truckster...ladder golf which we nicknamed "God's Rainbow Toss."  I also thought it was a perfect match for my personality.  Can I get a witness from those who know me?  I walked around greeting my friends with, "HEY!!!!  HOW'RE YOU?  WANNA DO LUNCH?  LET'S HAVE A PARTY!  CALL ME!"  One friend lost her breath laughing so hard but there were some who just looked at me...and even after explaining the thought behind my get up...they still looked at me with pure bewilderment and confusion on their faces.

Too bad imagination isn't something that can be bought or sold....I think it might be a much better purchase than a trampy looking bumble bee-hooker costume!


  1. Gave up on Halloween this year. Just too much nastiness in the world to add to it. So we had some friends over, shot bbguns and bow & arrows, ate pizza, played, and chatted. OK...we adults did share stories of teepeeing, forking, and harmless other pranks we did as teens. Oh, and for those pop-up Halloween stores? No way, over- my-dead-body, am I taking my kids in there!


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