A Back to School Digit Jumping Birthday

Today is a special day around Ye Olde House of Snark.  It is Y2's Double Digit birthday.  Yep, the only digit jumping birthday I'll live to see him have.  I think it would be cool if he lived to make another change in place value...I mean, as long as he's in good health and has someone who loves him and cares for him...but I won't be around to see that one...not by a LONG shot.  He's an AMAZING kid...seriously.  You've read it before, but it bears repeating:  he is unlike anyone I have ever met.  Life and energy just bubble out of him...like a bottle of Co'Cola (that's Coca-Cola to everyone who is not in WayDownSouth) that's been shook up and opened.  His perspective on life is unique and unpredictable.  He leaves me with my jaw hanging open, sometimes....in pure wonder and bewilderment.  He's made me laugh more than anyone else I know...and has made me cry nearly as much.  He is intense and determined and so full of promise.  It is no small thing for God to have entrusted me and Mr. Snark with this child.  Evidently, we have what it takes to raise him...although, I do wonder...but hold tight to the promise that God will equip us with everything we need to face each challenge along the way.  And boy, oh, boy...has Y2 challenged us.  But that's ok...I'd rather have the challenge and the frustration of trying to raise him than to never know the joy that comes from being this brown-eyed boyo's mama.

About a month old...enjoying the sunshine.

This summer...on the mission trip...the one in the sunglasses.

One of the risks of having an August birthday is that eventually, if you live where school starts prior to Labor Day, you will start school on your birthday.  This is the first year that this has happened to us.  He was NONE too thrilled, but there was no sense in putting up any fuss about it.  A special breakfast of pancakes and sausage seemed to soothe his inner beast and went out the door on a good foot.  As well he should...we're practically celebrating his birthday for three days!  Special breakfast this morning and Summer Daughter is taking us out for a special dessert treat...partially to thank us for having her this summer and also for Y2's birthday.  Tomorrow night, we are going to a local Japanese steak house...to celebrate the Digit Jump and the end of our time with Summer Daughter.  We've invited one of Y2's friends to join us.  That ought to be funny!  They can sit at the opposite end of the table and not bother the rest of us.  Then Saturday, Mr. Snark's taking him to the target range...that's what he wanted to do.  So, it seems like he's going to come out pretty good for having to start school on his birthday. 

The annual BTS picture...seriously...could you try to cooperate...we do this EVERY year!  At least their shirts are bright and cheerful!

Maybe my two mile smile could make up for their slack...
