An Open Letter to Charlie Sheen

Dear Charlie,
This letter is for you and every other catastrophe junkie celebrity.  Your presence isn't needed in Tuscaloosa.  Your presence is nothing but a distraction.  I can't see your heart...I don't know your motives, but your recent publicized behavior leads me to believe that you don't have all your oars in the water.  What else would possess you to bring your crazy-train caravan into a town that has been RAVAGED and torn to bits?  Compassion?  Generosity?  Curiosity?  Compassion and generosity would have spurred you in another could have written a letter to the mayor of Tuscaloosa or called could have sent a check to one of the local charities or sent cases of water, Gatorade or baby formula.  Your curiosity could have been satisfied by looking at the numerous pictures, videos and articles that have been posted online. 

I think you came to town because of one ginormous thing that is a catastrophe itself....your ego.  Let's be honest, and other "stars" have made jokes about the people of WayDownSouth.  You've assumed us all to be inbred, illiterate and unintelligent.  That's how we're portrayed in movies.  You turn up your collective noses at our tradition and beliefs.  You call us old fashioned and small minded.  But the minute that it seems we could do something to make you look good, you find us useful.  Go home, Charlie.  Get in therapy.  Get on your meds.  Get in church...get on your knees.  Reconcile your issues with the mothers of your children and be a daddy to those babies.  They need you more than we need you.

By the way, any of those folks in T-town that might have had tickets to your "show"...well, they don't have them anymore...they're gone.  Blown to parts unknown by the tornado that, IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW, took everything else with it.

Go back to Hollyweird, honey....we have crazy aplenty, right now, without adding yours to it.
