Once upon a time, in the magical land of WayDownSouth, was a pretty little house that sat at the top of a hill. It's not often that the good people of WayDownSouth got to see an ACTUAL sticking to the ground kind of snowfall...but once in a Dixie Blue Moon...it happened!
Snow covered the mailbox of the pretty little house, that sat at the top of a hill...
and blanketed the azalea bushes.
The pretty little house that sat at the top of a hill was home to a family of four, but on this particular dark and snowy morning
it was only the YankeeBelle Mama and her Youngling 2 who wanted to go out and play.
Just like she did around this time last year, the YankeeBelle Mama wrote the date in the snow.
"Are you doing that for posterior, Mama?" asked Youngling 2. The YankeeBelle Mama, pleased as always when Youngling 2 performed a work of word manglement, replied,
"Of course, honeychild...for posterior!"
Youngling 2 was very happy to see this Dixie Blue Moon snow...even though the ogres at the local school board didn't find it necessary to call school off in honor of the occasion. In his mind, he was quite sure that these grown-ups had long since forgotten what it was like to be a kid.
All was quiet around the pretty little house that sat at the top of the hill...even in the bird haven bush that the YankeeBelle Mama calls "Where the Wild Things Are."
Eventually, the Teen-Aged Youngling decided to venture out and survey the Dixie Blue Moon snowfall. This is important for readers to know, so that they do not confuse these tracks left by the Teen-Aged Youngling, with those left by Big Foot. At times, however, the YankeeBelle Mama is convinced that the best pure bred Bloodhound, in all of WayDownSouth, would NOT be able to tell the scent difference between the Teen-Aged Youngling and Big Foot. Poor Big Foot.
He was still and quiet as he looked about, taking in all that could be seen. In his heart, however, he was quite certain that YankeeBelle Mama had it in with the aforementioned ogre like grown-ups at the local school board...convincing them that a snow day was out of order. He attempted to insert this feeling into his attitude...but was quickly foiled by YankeeBelle Mama and her Ninja mind powers. DRAT!
Thoroughly confused by his ever-loving YankeeBelle Mama's comments of "Get your glad pants on and get your happy hind-end to the bus stop!", the Teen-Aged Youngling went out the door. He wasn't entirely convinced that his pants were glad or that his hind-end was happy.
With both Younglings out the door, the YankeeBelle Mama put on the kettle for a cup of tea...and made a quick phone call...to the lead ogre-ish grown-up at the local school board to thank him for not calling it a snow day.
The End
Oh, your snow stories are way better than mine...which is all of an...UGH! NO MORE SNOW!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! I would post my snow pics ... but I ain't got none. :(