Mama-logue, Volume 1

Mama-logue....add it to the YankeeBelle dictionary.  It's just like monologue, only more specific.  A monologue is simply a speech given by a solo oration.  One voice.  A Mama-logue is a speech given by one voice...the Mama's.  When you see this word in the confines of this blog, you can take it to mean that I am about to go on a tear. Add that to your YankeeBelle dictionary, in WayDownSouth, the phrase "go on a tear" means that it's about to hit the fan.  Today's subject is contained in the article it (ignore the comments...some people have more time than sense)and come back when you're done.  She's telling the truth and as it traditionally goes with the teller of truths that society would rather not hear, she's being punished for it.  That's very, very sad.  What's even sadder is that her opponents will see this as a victory instead of the tragic loss that it is.  They will say she got what she had coming to her...that such a person shouldn't be allowed to teach "our" children...that she's mean...that she doesn't care.  You might want to get comfortable...I plan on camping here for just a little while.  Are you ready????

Tell it all, sister!

I guess it's mean of her to set high standards and expect her students to meet the very best of their abilities.  I guess it's mean of her to expect them to pay attention in class.  I guess it's mean of her to expect them to come prepared for, books, assignments.  I guess it's mean of her to require them to be respectful and courteous not only to her, but to their other classmates.  I guess it's mean of her to set boundaries and levy consequences when those boundaries are crossed.  I guess it's mean of her to hold her students accountable for their words, deeds and attitudes.  I guess it's mean of her to expect them to conduct themselves in a way that is different from the residents in the local zoo's Primate exhibit!  GOOD FOR HER!  HOORAY FOR MEAN!  It's not her job to RAISE these students.  She was hired to TEACH, but because we have parents who find it more important to be friends with their children than to ACTUALLY parent them, this can't happen.  Things like respect, courtesy, honesty, self sufficiency,  tenacity, kindness, self control...none of this is taught in these homes.  This is why "character education" is now part of most schools' curricula (Don't fret...that is the correct plural form of "curriculum"...I looked it up!)...because it's NOT taught at home!

Why aren't these things being taught at home?  Because of the friend-rents.  You can add that to the blog dictionary (busy day for the YB dictionary).  Oh, come know who these people are...parents who are too busy trying to be friends with their children than to actually be their parents.  It is impossible to be both, I'm sorry (not really, but it seems polite to say) but it just is.  How do you lead and follow at the same time?  It goes against the natural order of life!  Look at other species in the animal kingdom.  What do you think would happen to the pride if Mufasa let Simba the cub be in charge?  Total bedlam!  Attacks from rival prides, in-fighting, starvation...utter chaos!  Children aren't meant to lead...they are meant to be lead and as they are being led, they need to be taught the lessons of life that will make them good leaders when their times come.  Am I friendly with the Younglings?  Sure!  Absolutely...when it's appropriate.  But treating them in a friendly manner is far different from being their friend.  They only have one Mama (and I'm sure they will tell you one is plenty)...they can have as many friends as they choose to have.  I have one chance to get this right and the window of opportunity is small.  Do I want them to like me...yes, but only because they are nice to people they like.  I don't want them to like me because I need them to...because my own ego is so fragile and warped that I need my children's approval.  I'd rather they LOVE me...RESPECT me...HONOR me...and yes, truth be told, be just ever so slightly afraid of me.  Not the kind of fear that causes them to flinch when I walk by...but the kind of fear that motivates them to walk the straight and narrow.  Fear of me taking the doors to their bedrooms off the hinges...fear of me making them strip their rooms of everything but bed, clothing and dresser...fear of me walking them into school in my pajama pants.  They need to understand, and I think they do, that I will do whatever it takes to get their attention and let them know that this isn't a game and that I take parenting seriously. 

I've seen all of this first hand, during my short time as a public educator.  I totally understand her frustration and I'm here to tell you that if she didn't care, she wouldn't have blogged about it.  I generally don't get all worked up about things that aren't important to me....who does?  She cares, trust me, she cares!  She sees the wasted opportunity, the wasted potential, the wasted time that can never be recovered and it incenses her because she understands what the gift of education can do for a life.  She understands that it is a GREAT privilege...not a right.  She understands that there are kids all over the world who would give their eye teeth to have the educational opportunities that American children look at as being bothersome, disposable and boring.  If she didn't care, she'd be blogging about her haircut or the great mascara that she found on sale. She didn't "out" anyone by name...only by characteristic and attitude.  Where's the harm?  Where's the foul?  The people that need to be horse-whipped are the ones who outed her!

The truth hurts...and unfortunately, it's the tellers who end up needing the Ibuprofen. 
