Moving date was December 19, 2010. To a place I've never been. Said good-bye to a place I've called home for ten years. I enjoyed my time there...lots of highs, a few real complaints. All good things must come to an end, or so they say (Who are THEY? And who gave THEM the power to say when the good times end? Just asking!) the appointed day arrived and I bid a fond farewell to my 30somethings and moved to the new 'hood...the 40-hood.'m 40 and as idiotic as it might sound, I am not sure HOW I got here. I mean I KNOW how I got to be's the natural follow up to 39...but it happened SO fast! Seriously!!! I still have VERY lucid memories of Jr. high events (why I can't forget some of those painful things!), of moments from high school (PLEASE GOD...I don't ever want to forget those!)...from college, my 20's. I'm not playing when I say that the last ten years slipped by faster than the ten previous to them.
So, here I am...40. I don't feel wise I have enough information...enough experience. I feel like I should know more. Does that make sense? I remember Mama when she turned 40...we were not very kind to her...sorry Mama, but it was all in good that erases any of the hateful things that we did. We posted "Lordy, Lordy! Mama's 40!" signs on the roadside, along the way to Granny and Papa's house. We bedecked their porch with black streamers and black balloons...even had a graveyard cake, complete with a buzzard sitting watch over the freshly dug grave. (I wasn't kidding, we were hateful!) I remember sitting there, watching her and thinking, "Wow...she's forty!" I was nineteen, going on twenty and thought I knew it all. HAH! I didn't know JACK or SQUAT!
My 20's...I got married, moved to Tennessee, earned my BS and MS degrees, got my FIRST car (yes, that's right...I didn't have my very own, brand spanking new car until I was twenty-six years old), got my first teaching job, moved twice, had my first baby and bought our first house.
My 30's...Paid off my car and student loads, got pregnant with second baby, gave up my teaching position to live the glamorous bon-bon eating, soap opera watching lifestyle of a stay-at-home-mom, had baby #2, bought a mini-van, buried three grandparents in less than two years, totaled said min-van, went on my first overseas mission trip and was HOOKED (ended up going on two more and can't wait to go back), moved again, visited Oahu, buried another grandparent, watched Mr. Snark be the man his parents raised him to be as he cared for them when FIL got cancer, said goodbye to FIL after the 9-month battle, had my first major surgery and moved AGAIN!
My 40's....too soon to tell, but if the 20's and 30's are any indication, there will be some really amazing things! There will be some really difficult things, too. Hopefully, the amazing will far outnumber those that aren't and there will be plenty of ordinary quiet moments to balance everything out. Crows feet, grey hairs (TRAITORS!) and laugh lines...creaking bones, stiff joints, intolerance for loud "music"....yep. Looking forward to, where's my Geritol!'m 40 and as idiotic as it might sound, I am not sure HOW I got here. I mean I KNOW how I got to be's the natural follow up to 39...but it happened SO fast! Seriously!!! I still have VERY lucid memories of Jr. high events (why I can't forget some of those painful things!), of moments from high school (PLEASE GOD...I don't ever want to forget those!)...from college, my 20's. I'm not playing when I say that the last ten years slipped by faster than the ten previous to them.
So, here I am...40. I don't feel wise I have enough information...enough experience. I feel like I should know more. Does that make sense? I remember Mama when she turned 40...we were not very kind to her...sorry Mama, but it was all in good that erases any of the hateful things that we did. We posted "Lordy, Lordy! Mama's 40!" signs on the roadside, along the way to Granny and Papa's house. We bedecked their porch with black streamers and black balloons...even had a graveyard cake, complete with a buzzard sitting watch over the freshly dug grave. (I wasn't kidding, we were hateful!) I remember sitting there, watching her and thinking, "Wow...she's forty!" I was nineteen, going on twenty and thought I knew it all. HAH! I didn't know JACK or SQUAT!
My 20's...I got married, moved to Tennessee, earned my BS and MS degrees, got my FIRST car (yes, that's right...I didn't have my very own, brand spanking new car until I was twenty-six years old), got my first teaching job, moved twice, had my first baby and bought our first house.
My 30's...Paid off my car and student loads, got pregnant with second baby, gave up my teaching position to live the glamorous bon-bon eating, soap opera watching lifestyle of a stay-at-home-mom, had baby #2, bought a mini-van, buried three grandparents in less than two years, totaled said min-van, went on my first overseas mission trip and was HOOKED (ended up going on two more and can't wait to go back), moved again, visited Oahu, buried another grandparent, watched Mr. Snark be the man his parents raised him to be as he cared for them when FIL got cancer, said goodbye to FIL after the 9-month battle, had my first major surgery and moved AGAIN!
My 40's....too soon to tell, but if the 20's and 30's are any indication, there will be some really amazing things! There will be some really difficult things, too. Hopefully, the amazing will far outnumber those that aren't and there will be plenty of ordinary quiet moments to balance everything out. Crows feet, grey hairs (TRAITORS!) and laugh lines...creaking bones, stiff joints, intolerance for loud "music"....yep. Looking forward to, where's my Geritol!
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